dir. Javier Méndez Cañada
Jan es un niño de campo que vive aislado en la montaña con su padre. Disfruta del verano jugando con su mejor amiga, Ona, una vaca lechera, pero esta contrae una enfermedad terminal. Él quiere cuidarla hasta el final, pero su padre no le escucha y la sacrifica sin piedad.
Años más tarde, el padre está gravemente enfermo y Jan empieza a tratarle como una vaca para tener la despedida que este le arrebató.
Jan is a country boy who lives isolated in the mountains with his father. He enjoys the summer playing with his best friend, Ona, a cow, but she gets terminally ill. He wants to take care of her until the end, but his father ignores him and sacrifices her without mercy.
Ten years later, when his father gets seriously ill, Jan starts treating him like a cow to have the farewell he never had.