Carla recibe una inquietante llamada de su madre, Anne. Su abuela, Mamie, se quiere morir. Con esta noticia deciden viajar para estar, por última vez, unidas las tres y despedirse de Mamie.
El encuentro, en un principio cariñoso, se embarra a medida que salen a la luz antiguos rencores sepultados bajo una historia de abandono familiar.
Carla receives a disturbing call from her mother, Anne. Her grandmother, Mamie, wants to die. With this news they decide to travel to be together, for the last time, the three of them and say goodbye to Mamie.
The meeting, initially affectionate, turns muddy as old grudges buried under a history of family abandonment come to light.
Pedro TamaMes
Pedro es un director y actor madrileño residente en Nueva York cuyos cortos han recorrido festivales a ambos lados del Atlántico. Sus trabajos más destacados son The Red Balloon (2019) —una pieza publicitaria encargada por el Empire State— y Quique (2023), un cortometraje de ficción ganador del premio del jurado a mejor cortometraje internacional del festival Curt Movies.
Originally from Madrid, Pedro is a director and actor currently residing in New York whose shorts have screened in festivals on both sides of the Atlantic. His highlighted works include The Red Balloon (2019) —a promotional piece commissioned by the Empire State Building— and Quique (2023), which was recently awarded with the jury award for best international short at Curt Movies Film Festival.
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